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Mode d'emploi FERROLI NEW ELITE C 30 E
Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare FERROLI NEW ELITE C 30 EBROCHURE

Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului

[. . . ] NEW ELITE Wall hung gas fired boilers with micro-storage heater for indoor installation NEW ELITE introduction FERROLI, in line with its position as a comfort multinational, one of the major players at a world level, permanently carries out research and trials on new products, so as to respond to the continuously evolving expectations of the users and the market. [. . . ] The appliances are factory set for semiautomatic mode, however the user can switch to automatic mode using the special button on the control panel. In addition, if the system needs to be filled to the required pressure (the recommended pressure is 1 bar), and the boiler is disconnected from the mains power supply, it can be filled completely manually (this mode is recommended for the first filling). L'elettrovalvola per il riempimento automatico/semiautomatico 3 NEW ELITE strong points CONTINUOUS FLAME MODULATION All models feature PID (that is, Proportional, Integral, Derivative) flame modulation, commonly known as the most evolved and technologically most advanced control system, which ensures maximum comfort in both central heating operation - and, above all - for the production of domestic hot water, as users now demand the maximum in terms of constant temperature throughout the delivery of hot water. In this regard, flame modulation in DHW production is based on two measurements: the temperature (using an electronic sensor) and flow-rate (using the flow meter). Outside probe COMPENSATION CURVE DIAGRAM "TEMPERATURE SCROLLING" AND CLIMATE CONTROL The NEW ELITE boilers are pre-fitted for "temperature scrolling" operation; that is, they are able to keep the outlet temperature at a minimum value, depending on the outside temperature. This operating mode can be activated by simply connecting the boiler to a special outside probe (optional). The automatic correlation between the two temperatures, outlet and outside, is the so-called "compensation curve". The user can choose, from the ten compensation curves available, the one that best suits the characteristics of the building and the radiators used, in order to achieve the maximum comfort with minimum fuel consumption. Temperatura di temperature °C °C System outlet mandata impianto 90 85 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 10 0 -10 -20 Temperatura esterna °C Outside temperature °C EASE OF INSTALLATION The distance from the axis of the fittings to the wall the boiler is fastened to is, for all models, 190 mm: this makes the connection of the boiler to the system much easier for the installer. REMO: THE REMOTE TIMER CONTROL The NEW ELITE boilers can connected to any type of room thermostat or timer-thermostat; if required, a modulating remote timer control (optional) can be used, with two-wire connection for remote control and daily/weekly room temperature settings. REMO remote timer control 190 mm 4 NEW ELITE user interface Summer/winter selection Modify selected parameters Select parameters Fill system COMFORT/ECO selection System temperature setting (30-85°C) Domestic hot water temperature setting (40°-65°C) Reset boiler operation Boiler on/off Control panel KEY 11 DHW temperature display 12 DHW operation 13 Central heating or DHW request 14 Air pressure switch enabling signal (during ignition) 15 Boiler igniting 16 Burner on 17 Operation in central heating mode 18 Central heating temperature display 19 Remote timer control connected 20 Summer/winter display 21 Pump on 22 Operation in anti-freeze mode 23 Central heating request 24 Wait after central heating operation 26 Wait after DHW operation 27 DHW operation request 28 COMFORT/ECO mode display 30 System pressure display 33 Fault signal 34 Operation in TEST mode (at maximum output) 35 Parameter and fault display 36 Outside probe connected 37 Outside temperature display (only with probe connected) Display on the F models (graphic simulation) 5 NEW ELITE F models room sealed functional diagrams and diagrams KEY 5 Room sealed 7 Gas inlet 8 Domestic hot water outlet 9 Domestic hot water inlet 10 Central heating flow outlet 11 Central heating return inlet 14 Safety valve 16 Fan 20 Burner assembly 27 Heat exchanger 29 Flue gas outlet collar 32 Pump 34 Central heating temperature sensor 42 DHW temperature sensor 43 Air pressure switch 44 Gas valve 49 Safety thermostat 56 Expansion vessel 81 Ignition electrode 82 Detection electrode 114 Water pressure transducer 126 Flue gas thermostat 136 Flow meter 187 Flue gas diaphragm 238 Micro-storage heater 239 Electric heater 240 System fill solenoid valve 241 Automatic bypass 246 Water pressure transducer Diagrams to determine the discharge head available to the system Models C 24 E - F 24 E Models C 30 E - F 30 E Key 123 A Circulator speed Boiler pressure drop 6 NEW ELITE NEW ELITE C 24 E dimensions NEW ELITE F 24 E KEY 1 Central heating flow outlet, dia. 3/4" 2 Domestic hot water outlet, dia. 1/2" 4 Domestic hot water inlet, dia. [. . . ] The products described in this document are covered by warranty if purchased and installed in Italy. [. . . ]


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