Ghid de utilizare LG VC1016NNDP

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Mode d'emploi LG VC1016NNDP
Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare LG VC1016NNDP

Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului

[. . . ] All safety messages will follow the safety alert symbol and either the word "WARNING" or "CAUTION. " These words mean: WARNING CAUTION This symbol will alert you to hazards or unsafe practices which could cause serious bodily harm or death. This symbol will alert you to hazards or unsafe practices which could cause bodily injury or property damage. WARNING · Disconnect electrical supply before servicing or cleaning the unit or when cleaner is not in use. Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury. · Do not pull or carry by cord, use cord as a handle, close a door on cord, or pull cord around sharp edges or corners. Keep cord away from heated surfaces. Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury or fire or product damage. · Do not use vacuum cleaner to pick up anything that is burning or smoking such as cigarettes, or hot ashes. Doing so could result in death, fire or electrical shock. · Do not vacuum flammable or explosive substances such as gasoline, benzene, thinners, propane (liquids or gases). The fumes from these substances can create a fire hazard or explosion. [. . . ] · Only use parts produced or recommended by LG Electronics Service Agents. Failure to do so could result in product damage. · Use only as described in this manual. Use only with LG recommended or approved attachments and accessories. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or product damage. · Do not dry the filter in an oven or microwave. · Do not dry the filter in a clothes dryer. Failure to do so could result in fire hazard. Failure to do so could result in fire hazard. · Always clean the dust tank after vacuuming carpet cleaners or fresheners, powders and fine dust. These products clog the filters, reduce airflow and can cause damage to the cleaner. Failure to clean the dust tank could cause permanent damage to the cleaner. (Depending on model) · Don 't grasp the tank handle when you are moving the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner's body may fall when separating tank and body. Personal injury or product damage could result. You should grasp the carrier handle when you are moving the vacuum cleaner. (Depending on model) Failure to do so could result in fire hazard. -6- IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CAUTION Thermal protector : This vacuum cleaner has a special thermostat that protects the vacuum cleaner in case of motor overheating. If the vacuum cleaner suddenly shuts off, turn off the switch and unplug the vacuum cleaner. Check the vacuum cleaner for possible source of overheating such as a full dust tank, a blocked hose or clogged filter. [. . . ] Golii recipientul pentru praf dac este necesar. Verificai dac capacul interior (22) nu este înfundat; curai-l dac este necesar. Verificai dac filtrul de siguran de la motor (20) nu este plin de praf. [. . . ]


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