Ghid de utilizare PANASONIC DMP-BD50

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Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare PANASONIC DMP-BD50

Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului

[. . . ] RQT9185~Safety_mst. fm 1 ページ 2008年4月23日 水曜日 午前10時52分 Blu-ray Disc Player Blu-ray-spelare Model No. DMP-BD50 Region management information Information om regionhantering BD-Video This unit plays BD-Video marked with labels containing the region code B. Den här enheten spelar BD-Video som är märkta med etiketter med regionkoden B. Example: Exempel: DVD-Video This unit plays DVD-Video marked with labels containing the region number “2” or “ALL”. Den här enheten spelar DVD-Video som är märkta med etiketter med siffran “2” eller “ALL”. Example: Exempel: 2 ALL 2 3 5 EG RQT9185-B until 2008/5/19 SVENSKA ENGLISH Operating Instructions Bruksanvisning DMP-BD50EG-RQT9185_eng&swe. book 2 ページ 2008年4月22日 火曜日 午前10時34分 Caution for AC Mains Lead (For the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland) For your safety, please read the following text carefully. [. . . ] ≥Some items can be changed by pressing [OK]. Menus Items Settings TIPS To exit the on-screen menu Press [DISPLAY]. What you can change with the on-screen menu Menus Items Signal Type [BD-V] ≥Primary Video Video: The video recording method appears. ( below, Video recording method) Soundtrack: Select the type of audio or language. ( below, Language, Audio attribute) ≥Secondary Video Video: Select on/off of images. ( below, Video recording method) Soundtrack: Select on/off of audio and the language. ( below, Language, Audio attribute) Video Soundtrack [AVCHD] The video recording method appears. ( [AVCHD] [DVD-V] Select the type of audio or language. ≥Soundtrack numbers are displayed even when there is only one audio type. Subtitle [BD-V] [AVCHD] [DVD-V] Turn the subtitle on/off and select the language. [DivX] Turn the subtitle on/off and select the subtitle number. ≥Subtitle numbers are displayed even if there are not multiple subtitles. Subtitle Style Audio channel Angle [BD-V] Select the subtitle style. [DVD-VR] [DivX] ( 15, Changing audio during play) [BD-V] [DVD-V] Select the number of the angle. Some items may be changed only on the disc specific menu. ( 14) below, Language) [DVD-VR] (Only discs that contain subtitle on/off information) below, Audio attribute) below, Language, Audio attribute) below, Video recording method) Settings and details Disc Language ENG: FRA: DEU: ITA: ESP: NLD: SVE: NOR: English French German Italian Spanish Dutch Swedish Norwegian DAN: POR: RUS: JPN: CHI: KOR: MAL: VIE: Danish Portuguese Russian Japanese Chinese Korean Malay Vietnamese THA: POL: CES: SLK: HUN: FIN: ¢: Thai Polish Czech Slovak Hungarian Finnish Others Audio attribute LPCM/ÎDigital/ÎDigital+/ ÎTrueHD/DTS/DTS-HD/MPEG ch (channel) k (kHz) b (bit) Signal type Number of channels Sampling frequency Number of bits Video recording method MPEG-2 MPEG-4 AVC VC-1 This is a standard for compressing and decompressing color motion pictures efficiently. This compression method is used for DVDs, etc. These are standards for compressing and decompressing color motion pictures more efficiently than MPEG-2 and used for Blu-ray Discs, etc. RQT9185 24 24 DMP-BD50EG-RQT9185_eng&swe. book 25 ページ 2008年4月22日 火曜日 午前10時34分 Menus Items Repeat Play Settings and details (Only when the elapsed time is being displayed on the unit’s display. ) Selects the item which you want to repeat. The items displayed differ depending on the type of disc. ≥All tracks All tracks ≥Chapter Chapter ≥Playlists Playlist ≥Title Title ≥One track Track ≥Off Select “Off” to cancel. Play Random [CD] [MP3] While playing, press [3, 4] to select “On”. Random playback starts from the next track. ≥On ≥Off Picture Mode [BD-V] [AVCHD] [DVD-VR] [DVD-V] [DivX] Select the picture quality mode during play. ≥Normal: ≥Soft: ≥Fine: ≥Cinema: ≥User: Default setting Soft picture with fewer video artifacts Details are sharper Mellows movies, enhances detail in dark scenes. ( below) 1 Press [1] to select “Picture Adjustment” and press [OK]. [. . . ] HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. This product is licensed under the AVC patent portfolio license and VC-1 patent portfolio license for the personal and non-commercial use of a consumer to (i) encode video in compliance with the AVC Standard and VC-1 Standard (“AVC/VC-1 Video”) and/or (ii) decode AVC/VC-1 Video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and non-commercial activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC/VC-1 Video. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additional information may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. [. . . ]


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