Ghid de utilizare PANASONIC SHFX67

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Mode d'emploi PANASONIC SHFX67
Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare PANASONIC SHFX67

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[. . . ] SH-FX67_RQTX0127_En_181107-Horizontal. fm Page 1 Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:25 PM Operating Instructions Wireless System Model No. SH-FX67 Table of Contents Designed for Panasonic DVD Home Theater Sound Systems that are compatible with the SH-FX67. Dear customer Thank you for purchasing this product. For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully. Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read the instructions completely. Please keep this manual for future reference. [. . . ] 2 m Cordless phone and other electronic devices: approx. 2 m Connections ∫ Digital transmitter Refer also to the operating instructions for your home theater unit. Do not insert or remove while the home theater unit is on. SH-FX67 digital transmitter Insert fully until you hear a click. DIGITAL TRANSMITTER Wireless system 7 RQTX0127 ENGLISH The wireless system will automatically seek a clear channel if any of these other devices interfere with its communication. When this happens, the wireless link indicator (“ [W1] ” or an indicator) flashes on the home theater unit, and there is a brief interruption in audio coming from the surround speakers. This is the normal operation of the product working to assure the best possible performance of your home theater unit. If the interference persists, try moving the other devices to another location outside the range of the wireless system, or move the wireless system nearer to your home theater unit. e. g. 3 While “P” is displayed, press  [I/D SET] on the rear of the additional wireless system. ≥If “P” goes off before you press [I/D SET], repeat step 2 and then continue the procedure. 4 While pressing [5/9] on the home theater unit, press the numbered button [3] on the remote control. ≥AUTO OPERATION ON/OFF indicator lights green. 5 Turn off and on the additional wireless system. Wireless system e. g. After pairing Additional ireless system [Note] ENGLISH RQTX0127 ≥ If you should change the transmitter card, repeat the pairing steps for both units of the wireless system. ≥ Keep the transmitter cards of the additional wireless system for ≥ You cannot use the wireless system with SH-FX65T transmitter 10 10 later use. card. SH-FX67_RQTX0127_En_181107. fm Page 11 Sunday, November 18, 2007 11:04 AM Troubleshooting guide Before requesting service, make the following checks. If you are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the solutions indicated in the table do not solve the problem, consult your dealer for instructions. Specifications AMPLIFIER SECTION Troubleshooting guide / Maintenance / Specifications 11 RQTX0127 ENGLISH On your home theater unit The wireless link ≥ There is no link between the home theater unit and the wireless system. indicator Turn the wireless system off and (e. g. “ [W1] ” or an then back on. Alternatively, turn the indicator) is wireless system off, disconnect the flashing. AC mains lead, and then reconnect it. Output power RMS output power Surround Ch 125 W per channel (3 ≠), 1 kHz, 10 % THD Total RMS power 250 W DIN output power Surround Ch 70 W per channel (3 ≠), 1 kHz, 1 % THD Total DIN power 140 W GENERAL Power supply Power consumption Dimensions (WtHtD) SH-FX67T SE-FX67 Mass AC 230 to 240 V, 50 Hz SH-FX67T 1. 5 W SE-FX67 43 W 65 mmk52 mmk8. 6 mm 165 mmk90 mmk164 mm SH-FX67T 0. 02 kg SE-FX67 0. 655 kg The wireless link indicator (e. g. “ [W1] ” or an indicator) does not light. ≥ Check that the home theater unit is turned on, and the wireless system is turned on. ≥ Ensure that the digital transmitter is fully inserted into the slot of the home theater unit. Maintenance Clean this unit with a soft, dry cloth. ≥ Never use alcohol, paint thinner or benzine to clean this unit. ≥ Before using chemically treated cloth, carefully read the instructions that came with the cloth. Wireless module Frequency range 2. 400 to 2. 4835 GHz Number of channels 3 r5 oC to r35 oC Operating temperature range Operating humidity range 5 % to 90 % RH (no condensation) Power consumption in off mode approx. 0. 3 W [Note] 1. Specifications are subject to change without notice. [. . . ] ≥ ÄLÄ IRROTA KANTTA (TAI TAUSTAA). SISÄLLÄ EI OLE KÄYTTÄJÄN HUOLLETTAVISSA OLEVIA OSIA. HUOLLON SAA SUORITTAA VAIN AMMATTITAITOINEN HENKILÖKUNTA. NORSK ADVARSEL: FØLG NEDENSTÅENDE INSTRUKSER FOR Å REDUSERE RISIKOEN FOR BRANN, ELEKTRISK STØT OG SKADE PÅ PRODUKTET: ≥ DETTE APPARATET MÅ IKKE UTSETTES FOR REGN, FUKTIGHET, DRYPP ELLER SPRUT, OG INGEN VÆSKEFYLTE GJENSTANDER, SOM F. EKS. VASER, MÅ PLASSERES PÅ APPARATET. [. . . ]


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