Ghid de utilizare PHILIPS 238C4QHSN

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Mode d'emploi PHILIPS 238C4QHSN

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   PHILIPS 238C4QHSN (3036 ko)

Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare PHILIPS 238C4QHSN

Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului

[. . . ] 238C4 www. philips. com/welcome RO Manualul de utilizare Centre de asistenţă pentru clienţi şi garanţie Depanare şi întrebări frecvente 1 27  Cuprins 1. Important  1 1. 1 Măsuri de siguranţă şi întreţinere  1 1. 2 Descrieri ale notaţiilor  2 1. 3 Eliminarea produsului şi a ambalajelor aferente  3 8. 3 Întrebări frecvente generale  34 2. Configurarea monitorului  4 2. 1 Instalare  4 2. 2 Operarea monitorului  5 3. Optimizarea imaginilor  8 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 SmartImage  8 SmartKolor  9 SmartContrast  9 SmartControl Premium de la Philips  9 4. Specificaţii tehnice  17 4. 1 Rezoluţie şi moduri de presetare  19 5. Gestionarea consumului de energie  20 6. Informaţii despre reglementări  21 7. Centre de asistenţă pentru clienţi şi garanţie  27 7. 1 Politica Philips privind defectele de afişare a pixelilor pentru monitoarele plate  27 7. 2 Centre de asistenţă pentru clienţi şi garanţie  29 8. Depanare şi întrebări frecvente  32 8. 1 Depanare  32 8. 2 Întrebări frecvente SmartControl Premium  33 1. Important 1. Important Acest ghid de utilizare electronic este destinat tuturor persoanelor care utilizează monitorul Philips. Citiţi cu atenţie acest manual de utilizare, înainte de a utiliza monitorul. Acesta conţine informaţii şi note importante referitoare la funcţionarea monitorului. [. . . ] Informaţii despre reglementări Lead-free Product Lead free display promotes environmentally sound recovery and disposal of waste from electrical and electronic equipment. Toxic substances like Lead has been eliminated and compliance with European community’s stringent RoHs directive mandating restrictions on hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment have been adhered to in order to make Philips monitors safe to use throughout its life cycle. EPEAT (www. epeat. net) The EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) program evaluates computer desktops, laptops, and monitors based on 51 environmental criteria developed through an extensive stakeholder consensus process supported by US EPA. EPEAT system helps purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, notebooks and monitors based on their environmental attributes. EPEAT also provides a clear and consistent set of performance criteria for the design of products, and provides an opportunity for manufacturers to secure market recognition for efforts to reduce the environmental impact of its products. Benefits of EPEAT Reduce use of primary materials Reduce use of toxic materials Avoid the disposal of hazardous waste EPEAT’S requirement that all registered products meet ENERGY STAR’s energy efficiency specifications, means that these products will consume less energy throughout their life. CE Declaration of Conformity This product is in conformity with the following standards • EN60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1: 2010+A12:2011 (Safety requirement of Information Technology Equipment). • EN55022:2010 (Radio Disturbance requirement of Information Technology Equipment). • EN55024:2010 (Immunity requirement of Information Technology Equipment). • EN61000-3-2:2006 +A1:2009+A2:2009 (Limits for Harmonic Current Emission). • EN61000-3-3:2008 (Limitation of Voltage Fluctuation and Flicker) following provisions of directives applicable. • 2006/95/EC (Low Voltage Directive). • 2009/125/EC (ErP Directive, EC No. 1275/2008 Implementing Directive for Standby and Off mode power consumption). and is produced by a manufacturing organization on ISO9000 level. • ISO9241-307:2008 (Ergonomic requirement, Analysis and compliance test methods for electronic visual displays). • TCO certified (Requirement for Environment Labeling of Ergonomics, Energy, Ecology and Emission, TCO: Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees) for TCO versions. 22 6. Informaţii despre reglementări Energy Star Declaration (www. energystar. gov) As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, we have determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. Note We recommend you switch off the monitor when it is not in use for a long time. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice (U. S. Only) This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. [. . . ] camere digitale, monitoare, imprimante, scanere etc. ) 3. User Define (Definit de utilizator): utilizatorul poate alege setarea de culoare preferată prin reglarea culorilor roşu, verde şi albastru. Notă O cuantificare a culorii luminii radiate de un obiect în timp ce este încălzit. Această cuantificare este exprimată pe scară absolută, (grade Kelvin). Temperaturi Kelvin mai mici precum 2004K reprezintă roşul; temperaturi mai mari precum 9300K reprezintă albastrul. [. . . ]


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