Ghid de utilizare SONY MDR-EX100IP

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Mode d'emploi SONY MDR-EX100IP

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   SONY MDR-EX100IP (594 ko)

Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare SONY MDR-EX100IP

Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului

[. . . ] No: 4812 712 19927 FL 5095 8570 509 85050 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Technical data Dimensions Height Width Depth Weight Net weight With package Main Connection Voltage Frequency Power consumption Fuse rating Drum Volume Wash spin Ramp speed Speed spinning max. Capacity of dry laundry Cotton/coloured Cotton rapid Cotton short Easy care Easy care rapid Easy care short Delicate Wool Handwash/Silk Pressostat Kind of switch Type Nominal voltage Water Level Level 1 (11 - 12, 14) Switching point Switching back point Overflow (11 - 16) Water level based to drum 1-level pressoswitch with overflow contact B1-205 230 V 5 3 3 2. 5 1. 5 2. 5 1. 5 1 1 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg 42 54 95 960 l rpm rpm rpm 230 50 ~2. 3 10 V ± 10% Hz kW A ~67 ~71 kg kg 85 59. 5 54 cm cm cm Nominal currents Contacts 11 - 12 11 - 14 11 - 16 Door lock Kind of switch Type Nominal voltage Nominal current: Contact 4 - 5 Lock time Unlock time Heating element Kind of heating Nominal voltage Nominal power Resistance (20 ˚C) Thermo-fuse (switch OFF temperature) Leakage current (<99 ˚C) NTC sensor Class of protection Resistance NTC: 0˚C 30˚C 40˚C 50˚C 60˚C 70˚C 95˚C Inlet valve Kind of valve 1-way valve for cold water, electrical connection with Rast 2. 5 <60 8 0, 2 - 10 220 - 240 50 35 7 . 7 3. 8 ˚C l/min ± 15% bar V Hz mA W ± 10% kΩ ± 10% Tubular heating element with NTC - sensor 230 +10%, -15% V 2050 W ± 5% 23. 9 Ω ± 5% 152 <0. 8 ˚C mA Switch with PTC heater of Bimetal BP P/5 - R 230 16 (4) ≤6’’ ≤180’’ V A 4 (4) 16 (4) 1 (1) A A A II 35. 9 9. 8 6. 6 4. 6 3. 2 2. 3 1. 1 kΩ ± 5. 8% kΩ ± 3. 7% kΩ ± 3. 1% kΩ ± 2. 6% kΩ ± 2. 0% kΩ ± 2. 5% kΩ ± 3. 7% 50 ± 5 30 ± 5 mmWc mmWc 300 ± 20 mmWc 80 ± 10 mm Water temperature Rated flow >1 bar Pressure range Nominal voltage Frequency Nominal current Nominal power Nominal resistance SERVICE Technical data Drain pump (synchronous) Nominal Voltage Nominal/max. [. . . ] current Nominal power Frequency Resistor (coil) (20 ˚C) Motor protection Capacity (0. 55 - 1. 0 m) Position of draining hose outlet min. Program timer Type Timer basic Timer programmed Nominal voltage Frequency Program Positions Motor Type Belt ratio Whirlpool Europe Customer Service FL 5095 8570 509 85050 12. 03. 2004 (Mod. 01) / Page 3 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 Main switch 230 V 0. 3/0. 5 A 35 W 50 Hz 162 Ω Thermal-fuse 20 ± 2 l/min 0. 55 1. 0 m m Type Nominal voltage Nominal current Poles Functionality Connection in RAST 5 Connection lamp Pilot lamp Nominal voltage Option switch Nominal voltage Nominal current Poles Functionality Connection Temperature selector Positions Nominal voltage Nominal current Poles Connection Value of resistors ± 5%: 5-6 Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Push button switch ON/OFF Spin reduction Half load Rinse intensive Rinse stop SM OPT. 4 7 5 V DC 1 mA 1 RAST 2. 5 <10 0. 68 1. 10 1. 80 2. 70 3. 60 4. 70 Ω kΩ kΩ kΩ kΩ kΩ kΩ 5 V DC 1 mA 1 Normally opened RAST 2. 5 230 V 1DLF1006 250 V 16 (5) A 2 Normally opened 6. 3 pins 2. 8 pins SC1 - 3313 4619 710 67598 4619 753 01531 230 V 50 Hz 32 MCA 45/64 - 148/ TAT 1 i = 1:15. 91 Ω ± 7% Ω ± 7% Ω ± 7% Ω ± 7% W ± 7% W ± 7% W ± 10% Resistance contacts (20 ˚C) Stator (full field) 2. 07 Stator (tapped field) 1. 32 Rotor 2. 00 Tachogenerator 67 . 80 Input power (230 V AC) Washing 250 Rinsing 310 Spinning 380 Radio interference supression Rated voltage Rated current Frequency Nominal capacity 90 - 250 V 16 A 50/60 Hz 470 nF X1 + 2 x 22 nF Y 12. 03. 2004 (Mod. 01) / Page 4 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 FL 5095 8570 509 85050 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Spare part list Model Service No. 12NC Code 001 0 011 0 013 0 021 0 024 0 025 0 025 1 030 0 034 2 034 3 040 0 053 0 061 0 061 1 080 0 081 0 083 1 084 0 086 0 110 0 130 0 130 1 141 0 143 0 143 1 144 0 144 1 190 0 190 1 190 2 200 0 201 0 201 1 210 0 220 1 228 0 271 0 272 0 292 0 301 0 331 0 332 0 335 0 339 0 351 0 401 0 421 0 430 0 451 0 490 0 491 0 502 0 572 0 583 0 620 3 4812 440 10893 4812 462 48077 4812 462 48078 4812 440 10888 4819 440 19897 4812 404 38636 4812 452 19849 4812 440 10846 4819 492 68458 4819 532 68243 4819 417 19232 4812 440 89053 4819 466 89453 4819 466 89454 4812 492 38386 4812 466 48093 4819 462 38925 4819 462 48049 4819 401 18607 4812 498 78299 4812 417 38019 4819 535 38062 4819 450 69519 4812 440 10894 4812 440 10847 4812 532 28943 4819 466 89077 4819 468 18344 4819 492 38119 4819 492 68515 4812 418 18411 4812 464 48165 4819 532 88052 4812 535 78064 4812 418 18413 4812 418 18212 4812 358 18158 4812 528 88102 4819 466 69797 4812 452 13649 4812 414 58238 4812 513 18132 4812 414 58235 4812 233 18006 4812 124 98001 4812 361 58357 4812 121 18142 4812 360 18527 4812 259 28835 4819 321 18136 4812 321 28367 4812 282 19567 4812 271 28506 4812 271 28507 4819 410 28998 FL 5095 857050985050 857050985050 Description Cabinet + feet TATRY GW Foot adjustable Foot fix Front, panel GW Panel, rear Support control board VBL Holder Frontpanel Table top WH VBL GW Fastener Bushing Hinge Plinth GW Counter weight , top Counter weight , bottom Spring, suspens. No: 4812 712 19927 FL 5095 8570 509 85050 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Exploded view SERVICE Wiring diagram Whirlpool Europe Customer Service FL 5095 8570 509 85050 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 7 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 8 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 FL 5095 8570 509 85050 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Circuit diagram SERVICE Program chart Whirlpool Europe Customer Service FL 5095 8570 509 85050 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 9 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 10 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 FL 5095 8570 509 85050 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Program chart SERVICE Program chart Whirlpool Europe Customer Service FL 5095 8570 509 85050 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 11 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 12 Doc. [. . . ] No: 4812 712 19927 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 12 Doc. No: 4812 712 19927 FL 5095 8570 509 85050 Whirlpool Europe Customer Service SERVICE Program chart SERVICE Program chart Whirlpool Europe Customer Service FL 5095 8570 509 85050 18. 07 . 2003 / Page 13 Doc. [. . . ]


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