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Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare ACER TRAVELMATE 8371G
Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului
[. . . ] pentru a beneficia de funcionarea optim a aparatului.
IMPORTANT PENTRU PRODUSELE CU LASER IMPORTANT FOR LASER PRODUCTS 1. În interiorul aparatului nu exist nicio pies care s poat fi reparat de utilizator; 2. There are no user serviceable parts inside the unit; leave all servicing to încredinai toate reparaiile personalului calificat. ATENIE: La deschiderea aparatului sunt emise radiaii laser din clasa 1M vizibile i/sau invizibile. [. . . ] labels, or a protective seal stuck Discs with stickers, aparatului. în format longer readout time since the CD-RWs disc Redarea unuimay require aMP3/WMA reflectance of CD-RWs is lower than that of regular ·Acest aparat poate reda fiierele în format MP3/WMA care Discs on which labels can be directly printed by an CDs. au extensia <. mp3> sau <. wma> (indiferent de tipul literelor ink jet printer. Do not use the following temperature or high -·majuscule/minuscule). high CD-Rs or CD-RWs: Using these discs under ·Acest aparat poate afia numele albumelor, ale artitilor Discs with stickers, labels, or a damage to the humidity may cause malfunctions orprotective seal stuck (interpreilor) i elementele de identificare (versiunea 1. 0, 1. 1, to the surface. unit. 2. 3, sau 2. 4) pentru fiierele în format MP3 i WMA. 2. 2, Discs on which labels can be directly printed by an · Faa non-DVD a unui , , DualDisc" nu corespunde standardului ·Acest aparat poate afia doar caractere de un byte. · The Non-DVD side of a "DualDisc" does not comply , , Compact caractere nu pot fi afiate disc General Disc Digital Audio". Prin urmare, nu este recomandat Playing an MP3/WMAcorespunztor. Using these discs under high temperature or high with the "Compact a unui DualDisc cu acest aparat. utilizarea feei non-DVD ·Acest aparat poate reda fiiere în format with the în unit can may cause malfunctions or damage the · ThisTherefore, the use of Non-DVD side of a DualDisc on · Thishumidity play back MP3/WMA files MP3/WMA to cazul unit has been designed to reproduce Aspecte generale în care sunt îndeplinite condiþiile de mai jos: CDs/CD Texts, and CD-Rs (Recordable)/CD-RWs format text extension code <. mp3> or <. wma> (regardless of this product may not be recommended. din urmtoarele acestora sau · Use only "finalized" CD-Rs 16· This unit can only play back files of the same type as Disc format: ISO 9660 Level 1/Level 2, Romeo, motive: ·discurile sunt murdare sau zgâriate. Joliet, Windows long file name those detected first if a disc includes both audio CD - s-a produs fenomenul de condens pe lentila intern a (CD-DA) aparatului. files and MP3/WMA files.
· of Radio Data System signals--PI (Programme Identification) and AF (Alternative Frequency) to work correctly. Without(sistem de date radio FM) Funciile sistemului FM RDS receiving these data FM Radio Data System operations correctly, ca funcþia de recepionare optim în reea s ·Pentru Network-Tracking Reception will not · Network-Tracking funcþioneze corespunztor este nevoie de dou tipuri de operate correctly. Reception requires two types semnale RDS semnale PI signals--PIby TA Standby · If a of Radio Data System (Identificare program) i semnale Traffic Announcement is received (Programme Identification) and AFDac aceste date nuchanges to în AF (Frecven alternativ). (Alternative Frequency) Reception, the volume level automatically sunt primite mod work funcia de recepionare optim these lower the tocorect, level (TA VOL) if thereceiving în reea poate s nu preset correctly. Without current level is data funcioneze corespunztor. correctly, Network-Tracking Reception will not than the preset level. ·Dac sunt recepionate informaii rutiere prin intermediul operate correctly. · When Alternative Frequency Reception is activated funcieiTraffic Announcementa informaiilor rutiere TA, · If a de recepie în ateptare is received by TA Standby (with AFva fi adus automat la nivelul presetat (TA VOL) dac Network-Tracking Reception is volumul selected), volume level alsoReception, automatically. Onautomatically changes to activated the mic decât acesta. other hand, the nivelul actual este mai the preset level (TA VOL) cannot be deactivated is lower Network-Tracking Reception if the current level alternativ, · ·Când este activat funcia Recepionare frecven than deactivating Alternative Frequency the preset level. [. . . ] * Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?* Are the "" terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?* Is the rear ground terminal connected to the car's chassis using shorter and thicker cords?* Are the "" terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common? [. . . ]
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