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CANON IR C4080I (47265 ko) CANON IR C4080I BROCHURE (867 ko)
Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare CANON IR C4080I
Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului
[. . . ] Dou sau mai multe foi de aceeai dimensiune i de acelai tip de hârtie pot fi încrcate simultan i preluate automat una câte una.
Componentele principale
Consultai Încrcarea hârtiei .
Pagina 5 din 996 pagini
(7) Tava de ieire a hârtiei
Se deschide automat la iniierea imprimrii sau copierii i foaia de hârtie imprimat este evacuat.
(8) Extensia tvii de ieire
Deschidei extensia pentru a susine foile imprimate. Deschidei-o în timpul imprimrii sau copierii.
(9) Suprafaa de sticl de scanare
Încrcai un original pentru copiere sau scanare.
(10) Caset
Încrcai hârtie simpl de dimensiuni A4, B5, A5, sau Letter i introducei-o în aparat. Dou sau mai multe foi de hârtie simpl de aceeai dimensiune pot fi încrcate simultan i alimentate automat una câte una. Consultai Încrcarea hârtiei .
(11) Portul de imprimare direct
Pentru a imprima direct, conectai un dispozitiv compatibil PictBridge, cum ar fi o camer digital sau unitatea opional Bluetooth BU-30*. [. . . ] In the Send via E-mail dialog box, you can make advanced settings for attaching images to e-mail.
MP Navigator EX is compatible with the following e-mail software programs: - Windows Mail (Windows Vista) - Outlook Express (Windows XP/Windows 2000) - Microsoft Outlook (If an e-mail software program does not operate properly, check that the program's MAPI is enabled. To enable MAPI, refer to the manual of the e-mail software program. )
Mail Program
The e-mail software program set up via Preferences in the Navigation Mode screen is displayed. Select the e-mail software program you want to use.
Adjust attachment file size
When Save as type is JPEG, selecting this checkbox allows you to resize the images. Select a size from Size.
Save in
Displays the folder in which to save the images. If resized, the resized images are saved. The following folders are specified by default. Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Pictures folder Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder
File name
Enter the file name of the image to be attached (up to 64 characters). When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name.
Set. . .
You can specify a compression type for JPEG files. Select High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression).
Page top
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Pagina 551 din 996 pagini
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Correct/ Enhance Images Window
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Click (Image Correction/Enhancement) in the View & Use window or click Fix photo images in the Task Button area to open the Correct/Enhance Images window. In the Correct/Enhance Images window, you can make advanced settings including image correction/ enhancement and brightness/contrast adjustment.
You can also display the source image and corrected image side by side for comparison.
Image correction/enhancement cannot be applied to PDF files or black and white binary files.
The Correct/Enhance Images window can also be opened by clicking Enhancement) in the Zoom in dialog box. It may take a while to correct large images. You can adjust the effect level using the slider.
Blemish Remover
Removes moles. You can specify the area you want to apply the effect to.
Applies the selected effect to the specified area.
Cancels the latest correction. Reset Selected Image
Cancels all corrections, enhancements and adjustments applied to the selected image.
Save Selected Image
Saves the corrected images selected.
Save All Corrected Images
Saves all the corrected images displayed in the thumbnail list.
Closes the Correct/Enhance Images window.
Toolbar (Rotate Left)
Rotates the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
(Rotate Right)
Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise.
Correct/Enhance Images Window
Pagina 555 din 996 pagini
Inverts the image horizontally.
Trimming is the act of selecting the area you want to keep in a photo and discarding the rest. In the displayed window, drag the white frame to specify the trimming area. Move the cursor inside the white frame and drag to move the trimming area.
Place the main subjects along the broken white lines or at the intersections to create a balanced image.
Enlarges the displayed image.
Reduces the displayed image.
Enlarges/reduces the image to display it full-screen.
Opens the source image for comparison. The source image appears on the left and the corrected image appears on the right.
Page top
One-click Mode Screen
Pagina 556 din 996 pagini
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > One-click Mode Screen
One-click Mode Screen
Click (Switch Mode) at the bottom left of the Navigation Mode screen to display the One-click Mode screen. You can complete from scanning to saving, etc. at one time by simply clicking the corresponding icon.
Scan documents by automatically detecting the document type. You can apply Auto Photo Fix as required. When you click this icon, the Auto Scan dialog box opens and you can specify the save settings. Auto Scan Dialog Box Save Scan documents or photos and save them to a computer. [. . . ] Lungimea mai mare a cheii v permite s setai o cheie WEP mai complex.
Calitate legtur (Link Quality)
Starea conexiunii dintre punctul de acces i imprimant excluzând zgomotul (interferena) este indicat de o valoare între 0 i 100%.
Un protocol Link Layer încorporat în Windows Vista pentru descoperirea topologiei reelei i pentru diagnosticarea calitii serviciului. LLTD se utilizeaz de caracteristica sa Network Map pentru a afia o reprezentare grafic a reelei locale.
Un protocol de imprimare independent de platform, utilizat în reele TCP/IP. Nu este compatibil cu comunicaia bidirecional.
Adresa MAC (MAC Address)
Cunoscut i cu denumirea de adres fizic. Un identificator unic i permanent de hardware care este atribuit dispozitivelor din reea de ctre productor. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals ofera un serviciu motivat social de impartire, inmagazinare si cautare de manuale relativ la folosirea de hard si software: ghid de folosire, manualul proprietarului, ghid de pornire rapida, date tehnice Lastmanuals nu poate fi tras la raspundere daca documentul cautat nu exista, este incomplet, este intr-o limba diferita de a dvs., sau daca modelul sau limba nu se potrivesc descrierii. Spre exemplu, Lastmanuals nu ofera serviciu de traduceri.
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