Lastmanuals ofera un serviciu motivat social de impartire, inmagazinare si cautare de manuale relativ la folosirea de hard si software: ghid de folosire, manualul proprietarului, ghid de pornire rapida, date tehnice NU UITATI SA CITITI INTOTDEAUNA manualUL DE FOLOSIRE INAINTE DE A CUMPARA !!!
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Lastmanuals va ajuta sa descarcati ghidul de folosire CANON IR C4580I.
Relativ la acest produs, puteti deasemeni descarca urmatoarele manuale:
CANON IR C4580I (47265 ko) CANON IR C4580I BROCHURE (867 ko)
Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare CANON IR C4580I
Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului
[. . . ] Putei de asemenea pre-vizualiza fotografii pe LCD ínainte de imprimare.
Ecranul LCD se stinge dac aparatul nu este utilizat timp de aproximativ cinci minute. Pentru a reporni ecranul, apsai orice buton cu excepia butonului ON sau executai operaia de imprimare.
(4) Suportul pentru hârtie
Ridicai-l i ínclinai-l pe spate pentru a íncrca hârtia ín tava din spate.
(5) Ghidajele hârtiei
Deplasai-le prin glisare pentru a le alinia cu ambele pri ale stivei de hârtie.
(6) Tava din spate
Încrcai hârtie de diferite dimensiuni i de diferite tipuri ce pot fi utilizate de aparat. Dou sau mai multe foi de aceeai dimensiune i din acelai tip de hârtie pot fi íncrcate simultan i preluate automat una câte una. Consultai Încrcare hârtie.
(7) Capac de slot pentru cartel
Deschidei-l pentru a introduce o cartel de memorie. [. . . ] 515 954 .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > View & Use Window
View & Use Window
In the Navigation Mode screen, point to View & Use and click My Box (Scanned/Imported Images), Specify Folder or Recently Saved Images.
Open this window to display or use scanned images or images saved on a computer.
For PDF files, only those created with MP Navigator EX are displayed. You cannot display PDF files created with other applications. PDF files edited in other applications cannot be displayed as well.
(1) Settings and Operation Buttons
(2) Toolbar
(3) Thumbnail Window
(4) Selected Images Area
Settings and Operation Buttons
Click this when you want to scan photos, documents, magazines and other printed materials. Photos/Documents (Platen) Screen (Scan/Import Window)
My Box (Scanned/Imported Images)
Displays folders of images (grouped by year, year/month, year/month/date and category) in My Box in tree view. Select a folder to display its contents in the Thumbnail window to the right. Image date is the scanned, captured or updated date.
Specify Folder
View Use Window
Displays all hard disks and folders in tree view. Select a folder to display images in the Thumbnail window to the right.
Recently Saved Images
. 516 954 .
"Scanned/Imported Images" and images that have been "Attached to E-mail" or "Sent to Application" recently are displayed in tree view by date. For "Scanned/Imported Images", "From Scanner" and "From Memory Card" are displayed separately. Select a Year/Month/Day folder to display images by date in the Thumbnail window to the right. Search The advanced search options open. 519 954 .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Create/ Edit PDF file Window
Create/Edit PDF file Window
Click PDF in the View & Use window, then click Create/Edit PDF file on the list to open the Create/Edit PDF file window.
In the Create/Edit PDF file window, you can add/delete pages and rearrange the page order of PDF files created with MP Navigator EX.
You cannot save images scanned at 10501 pixels or more in the vertical and horizontal directions. If a password-protected PDF file is edited, the passwords will be deleted. Setting Passwords for PDF Files
Rearrange Pages
You can move the selected image (outlined in orange).
Moves the selected image to the top.
Moves the selected image up one page.
Moves the selected image down one page.
Moves the selected image to the end.
You can also drag and drop the image to rearrange the order.
Delete Selected Pages
Deletes the selected image.
Add Page
Allows you to select and add an existing PDF file.
A password will be required to add a password-protected PDF file.
Create/Edit PDF file Window
Cancels the latest change made.
. 520 954 .
Cancels all the changes made.
Save Selected Pages
Opens the Save as PDF file dialog box. Only the selected page is saved.
When multiple pages are selected, a multiple-page PDF file is created. See "Save as PDF file Dialog Box " for details on the Save as PDF file dialog box.
Save All Pages
Opens the Save as PDF file dialog box. All PDF files in the list will be saved as one PDF file.
Closes the Create/Edit PDF file window.
(Rotate Left)
Rotates the file 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
(Rotate Right)
Rotates the file 90 degrees clockwise.
(Preview Mode) Switches to Preview Mode. The selected file appears in Preview.
Enlarges the image displayed in Preview.
Reduces the image displayed in Preview.
Enlarges/reduces the image to display it fully in Preview.
(Thumbnail Mode)
Switches to Thumbnail Mode. Thumbnails of files are displayed.
Page top
Print Document Dialog Box
. 521 954 .
Advanced Guide > Scanning > Scanning with the Bundled Application Software > MP Navigator EX Screens > Print Document Dialog Box
Print Document Dialog Box
Click Print in the View & Use window, then click Print Document on the list to open the Print Document dialog box.
In the Print Document dialog box, you can make advanced settings for printing multiple scanned images at one time.
The setting items in the Print Document dialog box vary by printer.
Select the printer to use.
Paper Source
Select paper source.
Page Layout
Select a print type.
Normal-size Printing
Print one image per sheet.
Scaled Printing
Print images at the selected scale (enlarged or reduced).
Fit-to-Page Printing
Print an image at the paper size (enlarged or reduced).
Borderless Printing
Print the image on an entire sheet of paper without margins.
Page Layout Printing (2 on 1)
Layout and print two images on a sheet of paper.
Page Layout Printing (4 on 1)
Layout and print four images on a sheet of paper.
Auto Duplex
Print on both sides of a sheet of paper automatically.
Auto Duplex
Select whether to print on both sides.
Staple Side
Select a stapling side from the list.
Print Document Dialog Box
Specify Margin. . .
. 522 954 .
Specify the width of the margin (0 mm to 30 mm).
Auto Duplex is displayed when Page Layout is Normal-size Printing or Scaled Printing, and available when Media Type is Plain Paper. [. . . ] Compatibil cu 802. 11b.
Configuraie de computere client i aparat unde toate comunicaiile fr fir trec printr-un punct de acces.
Adres IP (IP Address)
Un numr unic format din patru componente separate cu punct. Fiecare dispozitiv din reea care este conectat la Internet are o adres IP. Exemplu: 192. 168. 0. 1
Protocol de internet utilizat pentru operaiile pe internet. IPv4 utilizeaz adrese de 32 de bii i IPv6 utilizeaz adrese de 128 de bii.
Format cheie (Key Format)
Selectai fie ASCII fie Hex ca format de cheie WEP. [. . . ]
Lastmanuals ofera un serviciu motivat social de impartire, inmagazinare si cautare de manuale relativ la folosirea de hard si software: ghid de folosire, manualul proprietarului, ghid de pornire rapida, date tehnice Lastmanuals nu poate fi tras la raspundere daca documentul cautat nu exista, este incomplet, este intr-o limba diferita de a dvs., sau daca modelul sau limba nu se potrivesc descrierii. Spre exemplu, Lastmanuals nu ofera serviciu de traduceri.
Faceti click pe "Descarcati manualul de folosire" la sfirsitul acestui contract daca ii acceptati termenii si descarcarea manualului CANON IR C4580I va incepe.