Ghid de utilizare JVC KD-R302

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Mode d'emploi JVC KD-R302

Relativ la acest produs, puteti deasemeni descarca urmatoarele manuale:

   JVC KD-R302 (245 ko)
   JVC KD-R302 INSTALLATION (1752 ko)

Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare JVC KD-R302

Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului

[. . . ] CD RECEIVER RADIO CD PLAYER RÉCEPTEUR CD KD-R303/KD-R302/KD-R301 KD-R301/301S/302/303/33 Pentru a opri derularea mesajelor pe afiaj, consultai pagina 6. For canceling the display demonstration, see page 6. Pour annuler la démonstration des affichages, référez-vous à la page 6. Pentru instruciuni de instalare i conectare, consultai manualul separat. For installation and connections, refer to the separate manual. Pour l'installation et les raccordements, se référer au manuel séparé. MANUEL D'INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCIUNI INSTRUCTIONS GET0568-003A [EX/EU] 1 FRANÇAIS ENGLISH ENGLISH V mulumim c ai ales un JVC product. Please read all instructions carefully before operation, to ensure your complete understanding and to obtain the best Înainte de utilizare, v rugm s citii cu atenie toate instruciunile, pentru a v asigura c le înelegei în întregime i possible performance from the unit. [. . . ] Prin urmare, nu este recomandat Playing an MP3/WMAcorespunztor. Using these discs under high temperature or high with the "Compact a unui DualDisc cu acest aparat. utilizarea feei non-DVD ·Acest aparat poate reda fiiere în format with the în unit can may cause malfunctions or damage the · ThisTherefore, the use of Non-DVD side of a DualDisc on · Thishumidity play back MP3/WMA files MP3/WMA to cazul unit has been designed to reproduce Aspecte generale în care sunt îndeplinite condiþiile de mai jos: CDs/CD Texts, and CD-Rs (Recordable)/CD-RWs format text extension code <. mp3> or <. wma> (regardless of this product may not be recommended. ·Aparatul este destinat redãrii de CD-uri/CD-uri în - unit. de transfer: 8 kbps -- 320 kbps Rata the letter case--upper/lower). (Rewritable) in audio CD (CD-DA), MP3/WMA audio i de CD-R (Recordable)/CD-RW (Rewritable) în format Frecvena de eantionare: · ThiskHz, 44, 1an MP3/WMA discalbums, artists kHz, formats. (CD-DA), Playing kHz, 32 the names of 48 unit can show kHz (pentru MPEG-1), 24 kHz, 22, 05 General (performer), and Tag (Version 1. 0, 1. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3, or · When aintroducei greit un disc în fant, "PLEASE" and disc is inserted upside down, pe afiaj vor aprea ·Dac 16 kHz (pentru MPEG-2) MP3/WMA files with the · This unit can play back · This unit has been designed to reproduce "EJECT" appear alternately i , , EJECT". ApsaiPress 0 pentru 2. 4) for MP3 files andISO 9660 Level 1/ Level 2, Romeo, Joliet, alternativ mesajele , , PLEASE" on the display. tasta to - Formatul discului: for WMA files. CDs/CD Texts, and CD-Rs (Recordable)/CD-RWs · Thisextensiondisplayîn Windows <. wma> (regardless of unit can code <. mp3> or a ejecta discul. nume lung de fiiere only one-byte characters. (Rewritable) in audioiCD (CD-DA), and, , fiier" i , , pies" MP3/WMA are ·, , piesele" în format MP3 WMA (cuvintele other characters can be correctly displayed. · MP3 and WMA "tracks" (words "file" "track" · unit can play back MP3/WMA files meeting the formats. sunt interchangeably) are sunt înregistrate în , , directoare". · ThisThis unit can show the names of albums, artists used utilizate cu acelai sens)recorded in "folders. " (performer), and · When a disc is inserted upside down, "PLEASE" and ·În timpul derulrii rapide înainte sau înapoi a unui disc în conditions below: Tag (Version 1. 0, 1. 1, 2. 2, 2. 3, or · While fast-forwarding or reversing on an MP3 or 2. 4) for MP3 files 320 kbps format MP3 appear alternately on the display. Press 0 to ­ Bit rate: 8 kbps --and for WMA files. "EJECT"you WMA, se pot auzi doar sunetesounds. WMA disc, can only hear intermittent Redarea unui disc. CD-R sau CD-RW · Sampling frequency: only one-byte characters. No eject the disc ­ This unit can display ·Utilizai doar discuri CD-R sau CD-RW , , finalizate". other 44. 1 kHz, can be correctly displayed. · MP3 and WMA "tracks" (words "file" and "track" are 48 kHz, characters 32 kHz (for MPEG-1) Playing a CD-R or CD-RW fiiere de acelai tip cu cel care ·Acest aparat poate reda doar recorded in "folders. " · 24 kHz, 22. 05 kHz, 16 kHz (for MPEG-2) meeting the This unit can play back MP3/WMA files used interchangeably) are a fost identificat primul, în cazulCD-RWs. disc conine atât în care un · UseWhile"finalized" CD-Rs or reversing on an MP3 or conditions ISO 9660 · only fast-forwarding or ­ Disc format: below: Level 1/Level 2, Romeo, fiiere CD audio (CD-DA), cât i files the same · ThisWMAcan only play back hear ofMP3/WMA. [. . . ] · This unit does not work at all. * Have you reset your unit? ÎNDRUMAR DE DEPANARE EN CAS DE DIFFICULTES · Le fusiblese arde. * Les fils rouge et noir sont-ils racordés correctement?* Sunt conectate corect rele roii i negre? [. . . ]


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