Ghid de utilizare SAMSUNG PS50A486P1W
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Relativ la acest produs, puteti deasemeni descarca urmatoarele manuale:
SAMSUNG PS50A486P1W annexe A (334 ko)
SAMSUNG PS50A486P1W QUICK GUIDE (VER.1.0) (2086 ko)
Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare SAMSUNG PS50A486P1W
Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului
[. . . ] Wskazówki dotyczce instalacji uchwytu ciennego znajduj si w instrukcji obslugi tego odbiornika TV. For useful information about Sony products Szczególowe informacje o produktach Sony
Operating Instructions Instrukcja obslugi
KDL-52W4500 PS50A486P1W KDL-40W4500
Printed in Spain
© 2008 Sony Corporation
Thank you for choosing this Sony product. Before operating the TV, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference. The manufacturer of this product is Sony Corporation, 1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan. [. . . ] Set "Photo Set-up" to "Simple with map" (page 26). z · A map can be displayed in the case of photograph's EXIF data includes a date information, and the associated longitude and latitude information ("Log files") has been recorded using a Sony GPS unit. Follow the procedure described below.
1 2 3 4
Connect the GPS unit to the USB port. Press G/g to select "Photo. " Press F/f to select the GPS unit, then press .
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To make the control for HDMI settings
Using BRAVIA Sync with Control for HDMI
The control for HDMI function enables the TV to communicate with the connected equipment that is compatible with the function, using HDMI CEC (Consumer Electronics Control). For example, by connecting Sony equipment that is compatible with control for HDMI (with HDMI cables), you can control them together. Be sure to connect the equipment correctly, and make the necessary settings. Control for HDMI · Automatically turns the connected equipment off when you switch the TV to standby mode using the remote. · Automatically turns the TV on and switches the input to the connected equipment when the equipment starts to play. · If you turn on a connected audio system while the TV is on, the sound output switches from the TV speaker to the audio system. · Adjusts the volume (2 +/) and mutes the sound (%) of a connected audio system. · You can operate the connected Sony equipment that has the BRAVIA Sync logo by the TV remote by pressing:
N/x/X/m/M to operate the connected equipment directly. · To play the files which are received from a network device, they need to have one of the following file formats. Still images: JPEG format Music: MP3 format or linear PCM format Depending on the network device, the file format may be converted before transfer. In such cases, the file format resulting after conversion is used for playback. For details, see the instruction
To network device Network cable (not supplied)
DSL modem/ Cable modem
30 GB
manual for the network device being used. Even files conforming to one of the file formats given above cannot be played in some cases.
(Music) Available Options
Option Description
Sound Mode
See page 36. Registers the background music to be played during a slideshow using (Photo).
To enjoy photographs and music on the TV screen by operating other device Renderer "Renderer" is a feature for playing photo files and music files stored in other network devices (digital still camera, mobile phone, etc. ) on the TV by operating the controller device in question. To use this feature, a renderercompatible device such as a digital still camera or mobile phone is required as the controller. Refer as well to the instruction manual supplied with the controller.
Surround Add to Slideshow
Omit from Slideshow Cancels the registered background music. Playback Options Allows music options to be set for repeat, shuffle, or regular playback. Displays information about the device, folders, and files.
Speaker Information
1 Set "Renderer Function", "Renderer
Access Control" and "Renderer Set-up" in "Network Settings" if necessary (page 46).
Using Network Features
2 Play the file selected using the controller
on the TV. The file is played on the TV over the connected network. [. . . ] · Check that the server is correctly configured. · Check that the selected equipment is connected to the network and can be accessed. · If the "IP Address Settings" in "Network" under "Network Settings" is set to "DHCP (DNS automatic)" or "DHCP (DNS manual)", it may take some time to recognise a device if there is no DHCP server. Execute "Server Diagnostics" (page 33).
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The TV cannot be found from Check Connections renderer-compatible · Check that the LAN cable and/or mains lead of the server has not equipment (the controller) become disconnected.
Check Settings
· Check if the "Renderer Function" is activated (page 46). [. . . ]
PRETENTII SI REVENDICARI PENTRU A DESCARCA GHIDUL DE FOLOSIRE SAMSUNG PS50A486P1W Lastmanuals ofera un serviciu motivat social de impartire, inmagazinare si cautare de manuale relativ la folosirea de hard si software: ghid de folosire, manualul proprietarului, ghid de pornire rapida, date tehnice Lastmanuals nu poate fi tras la raspundere daca documentul cautat nu exista, este incomplet, este intr-o limba diferita de a dvs., sau daca modelul sau limba nu se potrivesc descrierii. Spre exemplu, Lastmanuals nu ofera serviciu de traduceri. Faceti click pe "Descarcati manualul de folosire" la sfirsitul acestui contract daca ii acceptati termenii si descarcarea manualului SAMSUNG PS50A486P1W va incepe.