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SONY VAIO VPCS11V9R (3403 ko)
Manual de abstract: manual de utilizare SONY VAIO VPCS11V9RTROUBLESHOOTING AND RECOVERY GUIDE
Instructiuni detailate de folosire se afla la Ghidul Consumatorului
[. . . ] · To prevent the hard disk from being broken or recorded images from being lost, do not do the following when either of the respective lamps of the POWER switch (p. 23, 27) is on:
to remove the battery pack or AC Adaptor from the camcorder. to apply mechanical shock or vibration to the camcorder.
· You cannot use any type of memory card except "Memory Stick Duo. " · "Memory Stick PRO" and "Memory Stick PRO Duo" can be used only with "Memory Stick PRO" compatible equipment. · Do not attach a label or the like on a "Memory Stick Duo" or a Memory Stick Duo Adaptor.
When using a "Memory Stick Duo" with "Memory Stick" compatible equipment
· Before connecting your camcorder to another device with a USB cable etc. , be sure to insert the connector plug in the proper direction. [. . . ] Operation is not assured if the above OS has been upgraded. CPU: MMX Pentium 200 MHz or faster Others: USB port (this must be provided as standard)
Use a special caution for preventing damages and malfunctions of the camcorder
· When connecting your camcorder with the USB cable or other cable, make sure you insert the connector in the correct direction. Do not insert the connector forcibly as it may damage the cable or your camcorder. · Be sure to use the supplied software when operating images recorded on the camcorder through a computer.
On screenshots
· The screenshots are from Windows XP. The scenes may vary depending on the operating system of the computer. · On screenshots in this Handbook, the application for English version is used. When you install the application, you can select other language (p. 75).
Installing the software
You need to install the software to your Windows computer before connecting your camcorder to the computer. The installation is required only for the first time. Provide the camcorder and the Handycam Station, and a USB cable beforehand. Contents to be installed and procedures may differ depending on your OS.
5 Select the language for the
application to be installed, then click [Next].
6 Check your area and country/
region, then click [Next].
b Notes
· The software is set up for your selected country/ region.
1 Confirm that your camcorder is
not connected to the computer.
2 Turn on the computer.
b Notes
· Log on as Administrators for installation. When you save images on several DVDs, the still images are recorded on the first DVD. · The sound quality remains as it is when you save a movie recorded in 5. 1ch surround sound on a DVD (DCR-SR200/SR300).
Performing with a computer
· 8 cm DVDs are not supported. · When saving data on a DVD+RW, the data is recorded in VIDEO format. · Use a DVD produced by a reliable manufacturer. You may not save images correctly when using a low quality DVD.
b Notes
· Still images on a DVD created with One Touch Disc Burn function cannot be played back on a DVD player. Play them back on a computer.
1 Confirm that the Handycam
Station is not connected to the computer.
2 Turn on the computer.
3 Place the recordable DVD to be
saved in the DVD drive of your computer.
z Tips
· It is recommended that you use a new recordable DVD. · If any software starts on the computer automatically, close it.
7 Connect the
(USB) jack of the Handycam Station to a computer using the supplied USB cable.
4 Connect the Handycam Station to
the wall outlet using the supplied AC Adaptor.
5 Set the camcorder onto the
Handycam Station, then turn the POWER switch to turn on.
z Tips
· You can perform this operation, whichever position of the (Movie)/ (Still) lamp is lit.
The DVD recognition window is displayed on the computer screen. When the DVD type is recognized, DVD creation begins.
b Notes
· When connecting your camcorder to a computer, make sure you insert the connector in the correct direction. Do not insert the connector forcibly as it may damage the cable, the Handycam Station or your computer.
6 Press DISC BURN button on the
Handycam Station.
z Tips
· Your camcorder is compatible with Hi-Speed USB (USB 2. 0). You can transfer data at a faster rate using a computer compatible with Hi-Speed USB (USB 2. 0). When you connect a USB interface not compatible with Hi-Speed USB (USB 2. 0), the data transfer ratio will be that of USB 1. 1 (USB Full-Speed).
To disconnect the USB cable
1 Touch [END] on the LCD screen of your camcorder. [. . . ] 57
SOUND/DISP SET . . . . . . . 61 VIEW IMAGES SET . . . . 60 HQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
MICREF LEVEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Mirror mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 MOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 MPEG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ]
Lastmanuals ofera un serviciu motivat social de impartire, inmagazinare si cautare de manuale relativ la folosirea de hard si software: ghid de folosire, manualul proprietarului, ghid de pornire rapida, date tehnice Lastmanuals nu poate fi tras la raspundere daca documentul cautat nu exista, este incomplet, este intr-o limba diferita de a dvs., sau daca modelul sau limba nu se potrivesc descrierii. Spre exemplu, Lastmanuals nu ofera serviciu de traduceri.
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